Lifestyle - loveSND

Hey 40, is that you calling?

Sheena is turning the big 4-0 this year (in 6 months actually) and is feeling all sorts of feels. She is excited, nervous, anxious, motivated, sad, hopeful, and above it all, grateful! Grateful for the past 4 decades that have been nothing but amazing and rewarding, filled with family, friends and a lot of amazing memories. She is hoping the next decade and beyond are filled with just that!

As she is approaching her big milestone (PS. when did 40 become such a “thing?”) – she is putting life, goals, relationships and everything in between into perspective. She has so many thoughts on aspects of her life and many more hopes and dreams as she approaches this new decade. A lot of her friends and family (including her husband) turned 40 in the past couple of years and some of them told her that things really “change” once you go over that hump. She didn’t believe it for the longest time and part of her still has doubts, but she has noticed some mental changes in her thinking and approach to life as she nears this birthday. It may just all be in her head, but she is excited and nervous to explore.

Her 20s were for partying and friends, her 30s were 100% for motherhood and now her 40s are going to be more about HER! Of course family, friends, home, obligations, etc are all still there and will always be there, but in this new decade, she is also going to focus on herself! Andddd, one of the big goals she has set in this new decade is elevating this blog!

After having her twins in 2010, she has completely drowned her last decade into her 3 boys and has lost all focus of self. Yes, she is partying, making new friends, working out, going out to dinners, traveling, etc etc. but in that she has also lost the will to think about what “she” wants and what makes “her” happy. What are her passions, what are her goals, where does she want to be in 8 years, when her babies are in college living their lives? (Insert crying emoji – 8 years until she has an empty nest :((((() When she was writing this blog with her sisters, she had goals, she had plans, she had motivation, she had power and passion for herself. She is ready to take that back (or even a fraction of it) because it is time. A new decade with new beginnings and new self revelations. The year has had a rough start and she, along with her sisters, are going to try and put a positive spin on what’s to come.

With her big FOUR-OH birthday coming… Sheena wants to take you all on this “self-work” journey with her. She, Nina and Dipti want to share A LOT of positive and inspiring thoughts, goals, people and of course our changing wardrobes as we move ahead. She has been celebrating 40th after 40th for a couple of years now and she has some exciting plans for her own that you ARE ALL INVITED TO join!

So, let the journey begin…

Love, SND

Insta: @_lovesnd_

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