Fashion - Life - loveSND



Today is a really exciting day for the three of us! As some of you may or may not know, Nina has always had a passion for designing/creating/envisioning kids clothing. She always found herself wanting more out of the children’s wear industry – whether it be in terms of looks, comfort, or price! She never found the look she was going for and that is when she decided she had to take it upon herself to fill this gap in the market. Her dream has been to start a kids clothing line with a large focus on comfort while being super cute at the same time!

After having 3 girls, she had become more determined to make her dream a reality. She knew she wanted to use her background in jewelry as inspiration for the first line, the Jewel Collection. This line celebrates the beautiful world of gems coupled with rich fabrics like raw silk, velvet and a floral print. The line is fun, spunky, and perfect for our little girls who will sparkle and shine!

After a lot of hard work, determination, perseverance and faith – Nina has finally come upon today. Today is the day she is sharing her creative art with you, her dream, her vision, her NIVARA. The name is basically the first two letters of each part of her name, so it is very near and dear to her heart. She hopes that you all love the collection and are able to adorn your cutie pies in the pieces! Don’t worry, she has started with girls ages 0-5 years, but promises that she will add some little boys items in the next season! 🙂 So head on over to her site and let us know what you think!!!

Enjoy some of the behind the scenes shots that didn’t quite make it onto the site :).

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Love what you see? Visit Nivara and make sure to sign up for the latest offers and styles! A lucky winner will receive 15% off their purchase by signing up!!!