The second trimester is officially started and DIpti is more excited than every to be almost half of the way closer to holding her little guy in her arms. We can’t believe how time is just flying by and are excited that we can share the special moments with you guys. Here’s a glimpse into month 4 of this amazing journey…
When: Month 4
Best moment ever: feeling Bobo move around! I had been dying to feel my baby and of course he took his sweet time but just last week I finally felt him move and it was the most amazing feeling ever! Ok so I thought it was gas/rumbling from hunger at first but then I realized the subtle difference and it was glorious! I also had an ultrasound this month so that we could get a look at his package but of course he wouldn’t open his legs for us to look… My doctor told me I have a kid “with a personality..” So basically I have a kid with my stubbornness and (I bet) with Sach’s sarcasm… Can’t wait!!!
This month has been a breeze in comparison to my first trimester thank goodness! I heard that the second trimester is much easier and at this point that seems like an understatement! Bobo is finally being kind to his mommy! However, sleep is starting to get difficult since sleeping on my belly is getting more uncomfortable. I hear there’s a kidney-shaped pillow I need to try – maybe that’ll help (or any other suggestions are much appreciated!). I’m also focused on not getting stretch marks and have invested time and money in Bio Oil. My bhabi used it and didn’t get any stretch marks and apparently the Kardashians used it too (don’t judge, I am literally trying everything!! If you used something that worked let me know!).
The family is busy planning the baby shower I really don’t want to have. I am not a baby shower type person – not a fan of eating baby food or people measuring the circumference of my belly. But since this is the last one, I’m letting them go crazy. Daddy is doing okay still – hasn’t had any freak out moments. I give him another 2 months
So now that my belly has popped a little, my wardrobe is definitely making a change. I have to say, I have been in denial about my body changing for a few weeks now and I’m not sure I’m quite over it. Sheena and Nina keep telling me to embrace the experience of growing someone inside of me. I keep thinking – what am I going to wear to work without giving it away?! Well that was made easy by telling my boss about Bobo. For now I’m still trying to fit into my work dresses and skirts but I add a sweater or something on top. Now that Fall is here, October should be interesting when I have to put a pair of pants on!
Thanks for checking in and see you next month with another detailed update! SND