Raise your hand if you are one of those type A personalities that has Mother’s Day gifts all figured out well before the actual holiday!! NOT US!! The three of us and our families are totally last minute when it comes to this holiday (and in most cases – all…
We’re always asked about things our kids are caught playing with or using. Naturally we all want to make sure our children are getting the most out of their toys and gadgets and who to give better reviews than mom themselves? We figured we’d share their top items that we’ve bought for the…
Raise your hand if you are forever kicking yourself for yelling at the little ones once it’s all said and done? We do the same! E.V.E.R.Y.T.I.M.E. Finding a balance between discipline and teaching has become to hard as the kids get older. Each of us have a different type of…
Clearly when it comes to kids, especially our first, we tend to think we “need” every new gadget on the market. Well, after eight kids between the three of us, we’ve come up with a list of items that you can save a lot of money on and those that are…