Thirty is an age where it seems like you’re magically supposed to get it all and be the best version of your adult self. It’s tough to let go of our glorious 20s where, literally, everything was totally okay! Well, just like you, we had some hard line rules when we entered our 30s. We needed to leave those 20s habits behind and become the best “adult” we could! Here are our top no no’s as each of us entered our 30s:
1. Drama with my friends
Before my 30s, every little thing that happened with my friends used to turn into a big issue. I would feel bad, be offended, and read between the lines in most situations. Now a days, I have become a bigger person. I have learned to let things go and not make such a big deal of every little thing. Everyone (including myself) is busy in their own lives and we make as much time as possible for each other. We take advantage of the time we get together and cherish my friendships beyond limits. Older and wiser as they say.
2. Shopping at Teen Stores
I used to love shopping at all the teeny bopper stores back in the day like Charlotte Russe. They were perfect for new styles and trendy looks that didn’t break the bank. They would be a wear once and move on from it kind of collection. After 30 I find myself not going to those stores at all anymore (except Forever 21 sometimes) as I actually don’t even fit into those tiny sizes anymore! I also find myself moving away from teen trends like Uggs and bodycon or mini dresses. Now I see myself investing in better quality pieces that I wear more than once and that are age and body appropriate.
3. Drinking Tequila
Senor Frogs, Cancun scarred me for life. Back in college, I used to drink vodka and tequila like it was juice. One spring break in Cancun with tequila all around, I never ever touched it again. So much so that I can’t even stand the smell of it anymore.
4. Sleeping in for the day
Ah the luxury of sleeping through an entire day when I actually could. I think kids also brought upon this change. Now a days, even if the kids aren’t around, I can’t get myself to sleep past 8am latest! I just feel the need to get up and get my day started instead of “wasting” it away. How that definition has changed over time…
5. Eating junk food
For almost 2 decades, I thought pizza, pasta and cheese were considered healthy. I actually don’t even know if I had a definition of healthy foods until I hit my 30s. Now almost all the “junk” is out the door and I am more “conscious” of what I am eating. Luckily hubby is also on board with this change so it makes life easier. We love shopping for healthy snacks and meals together!
1. Letting go of your hobbies
I see it more and more that as ‘my so called real life’ (yes 90s kids you know what I’m talking about) takes over, it’s so easy to let things I enjoyed slip away. Dance was a huge part of my life and now I get to experience it just through my girls, and boy do I miss it! But things like interior decorating, fashion design, etc are still keeping me sane and they give me a much needed outlet for creative expression! You should never let go of things you enjoy for fun especially in your super busy 30s!
2. Go on vacation to spring break locations during spring break.
We all had our days of spring breaking so to speak. No need to try and relive your youth with the 17-20 year olds!!! Enjoy new places with your new found maturity and hopefully bank account ?.
3. Not having any credit built up
By 30 you should have a credit line of some sort. If you want to buy a home or car they will check your credit score. It is probably a good idea to start building your credit line over the years so you can be legitimate by the time you are 30! With that being said, by 30 you should not have a credit build up – I’m not talking loans, I’m talking owing Macy’s money – no.
4. Not knowing how to cook anything
Take out and dine out options have become a mainstay in our society, but there is still much to be said about a home cooked meal. If you are still living at home – take the opportunity to learn how to make your favorite dishes so you can continue to enjoy them. If not, take some cooking classes or venture to a good site that has simple recipes. Learn to navigate around a kitchen whether you’re cooking for 5 or just you – it’s an experience you’ll surely cherish in your 30s and beyond!
5. Quality over quantity
This goes for so many aspects of life in your 30s. Friends, clothes, gadgets, etc!!! Invest in the ones that bring you happiness and fulfillment and let go of the weight that brings you down! Where your 20s were for figuring ish out, your 30s are for thriving so only keep the good stuff/people around!
1. Gossiping
Don’t get me wrong, I definitely enjoy the occasional juicy story, especially as a new mom who doesn’t get out much. But those days of talking about people we don’t know and about things we have no clue about are so behind me. My 20s were full of chit chat about nonsense that made no difference in my life. My 30s are about catching up with old friends, talking about our kids, our marriages, and ourselves – with minimal room for all else!
2. Facebook Stalking
Sigh, Facebook… The thing that makes or breaks all of us a little bit every time we sign on. We love Facebook for its community and promotional aspects – it’s like no other! However, the days of stalking ex friends, significant others, etc is so not what your 30s are for. Facebook in your 30s is about connecting with high school friends you rekindled with at your 10 year reunion or college classmates you used to skip classes with! We now use it more of a connection to the outside world, mainly via our blog!
3. Giving up on your dream
I recently read a meme that said Morgan Freeman landed his first major movie role at age 52. Fifty two!!! That reminded me that no matter what my age, what my dream, it really isn’t too late to make it happen. Sure I’m 30, married with a child and my life seems super busy right now, but my dreams of who I want to become are no longer taking a back seat in my 30s!
4. Missing out on traveling
The one thing Sach and I both have in common is our love to see the world – we did it a lot before we had Diav and try to do it as much now that he’s in our lives. In our 20s it was all about going to the same places every chance we got – DC, NYC, Philly – places we had literally been hundreds of times before. In our 30s we’ve really started to value the 10 days we can manage to muster up in the year to get out of town. Now we save up and try to make that one trip a big one – and even if it’s not out of the country, it’ll be somewhere we haven’t been and we’ll do more than just drink and party!
5. Not staying close with family
In my life I have never had such a greater appreciation for my family than I have had in my 30s. The help I get with my kid, the talks I have with my mom about marriage and cooking and about my 2 older siblings ( ), the fun I have with my sisters when we’re shooting for RAR, the texts I get from the overseas family when someone is expecting a new clan member – those moments are more cherished now than ever before because I know that those people are “forever” people. In my 20s all I did was think about myself, my friends, and our fun – in my 30s I want nothing more than to see and/or talk to my family all day long.
We would love to hear what major change you have made in your 30s (if you are there yet). Share with us below!